Pack MEetings
Community Service
Pack 113 meets monthly in a cabin on local conservation land. During these meetings the Pack shares information of scout advancement, upcoming events and review The Scout Law.
The Scout Law reminds us that a Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
At Pack meetings, there’s often a hike, Pack wide game and a fire pit.
Community service is one of the cornerstones of scouting as it provides scouts with the opportunity to become active members of their community and make a positive impact. Pack 113 participates in several community events - Medfield Day, God Loves Medfield Day and the Medfield Lions Eyeglass Recycling, which is an ongoing community service event.
The cub scouts also raise money for the Pack events by selling popcorn. Selling popcorn is far more than just fundraising, it teaches the scouts important life skills. It teaches the scouts the importance of contributing to the group, goal setting, persuasion, public speaking, math skills, overcoming rejection and perseverance.
Interested in joining us?- contact us for more details. Also, check out our past events page for more events we’ve done as a pack.
Sports Events
When you camp as a Cub Scout, you are exposed to the skills you will need to camp as a Boy Scout. Pack 113's leadership team organizes several overnights annually. This year Pack 113 will be overnighting at Moose Hill in Sherborn and at The Roger Williams Zoo, for the annual Snore & Roar! We also have opportunities to see the Revolution play during an outing to Gillette Stadium.
Interested in joining us?- contact us for more details. Also, check out our past events page for more events we’ve done as a pack.
Rocket Day
Pinewood Derby
This fall the scouts will be assembling and launching rockets. In addition to the fun, scouts will also be gathering non perishable food items for the Medfield Food Cupboard. Later in the year, scouts will be turning blocks of balsam wood into race cars to race in the highly anticipated Pinewood Derby.
Interested in joining us?- contact us for more details. Also, check out our past events page for more events we’ve done as a pack.