Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

Venue: Medfield High School Cafeteria

Pack 113 invites your family and friends to our 2023 Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser.  This event is a great opportunity to support your Pack, and share a scouting experience with your extended family.

Pack 113 relies on community fundraising to support our local programs throughout the year, including youth education, scholarships, and community service.

The breakfast will be held on November 19th from 8-11 AM, at the Medfield High School Cafeteria. Vegetarian and Gluten Free options will be available upon request.

How you can help...

  • Tickets will be available for purchase prior to the event

  • Share - Please share the event with any friends and family that would be interested in attending.

2020 Popcorn Sales

From the desk of the Popcorn Kernel: 

In an effort to keep our scouts, families, and community as safe as possible this year, we have made the decision to skip the Show and Sales that have traditionally been the foundation of our annual fundraising.  We are still asking that scouts participate in fundraising through the Trail’s End App and personal online store. 

Trail’s End has made it easier than ever to sell virtually including offering free shipping on order of $30 or more (for a limited time).  Here is a link to a file that Trail’s End sent out that gives you links to various resources and graphics that your scouts can use to drive sales.

Like last year, I am asking that each scout make a commitment to sell at least $300 worth of popcorn.

The reward system has changed again this year so I’d ask that each of you familiarize yourself with it here.  As I read it, if we sell online, Scouts will receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card once they sell $200 worth of popcorn. 

The first step for each of you is to log in at Trail’s End to ensure that your scout(s) is registered and associated with Pack 113.  If you have any trouble, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.

We do not have delivery deadlines this year because all popcorn will be fulfilled directly by Trail’s End.  However, I would like to set an arbitrary deadline of Friday, November 6th. If you have any questions or need any support, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.

Popcorn Resources

Our Popcorn sales have started off really strong. There’s still time to sell and here’s a few ideas and resources.

Door-to-door (or Wagon Sales): Put on your uniform, pick a neighborhood and head door-to-door with your parent/guardian. Watch the training videos in the Trails End app for ideas and download an order form to carry with you. You can enter orders directly into the app (be sure to make undelivered). Be sure to wear your bug spray.

Parent workplace:Download a form and send it to work with you parent. They should double check their company policy first though.

DEADLINE for Wagon Sales is October 18th.

Online sales: The Trail's End App makes it very easy to set up a page that can be sent to friends and family that live far away. Shipping is free and fulfillment happens quickly (no waiting until November).

In addition to helping raise funds for the Pack, there are rewards for Scouts. Check out the read tiers below.


Popcorn Sales update 9/14

Hello Pack 113,

We are now 2 days into Show and Sells (Storefront Sales in the Trail's End App) and we are just under $5,000 in sales already! There are still some slots available if you want to sign your scout up. This is an easy way to achieve the $250 target for each scout.

Door to door (or Wagon) sales are also an amazing way to increase your results. One of the great things about this is that it provides the scouts an opportunity to work on their sales pitch and speaking with people in a clear manner.

When your scouts participate in Wagon Sales, you can still log them into the App for easy tracking. Once you've selected the items being purchased, please be sure to mark them as Undelivered. This is how we'll know how much popcorn we need to order so we can fulfill all of these orders.

Finally, online sales should be a key component of every scouts plan for fundraising. The Trail's End App make it very easy to set up a page that can be sent to friends and family that live far away. Shipping is free and fulfillment happens quickly (no waiting until November).

We can make this Pack 113's best fundraising year ever, but we need the support of every scout. There are still a number of scouts that aren't registered in Trail's End and plenty more that don't have a sale recorded yet.

Please reach out with any questions or concerns. Happy selling!

Rob Segal

Pack 113 Popcorn Kernel

Popcorn Sales Kick Off 2019

The Scouting year is upon us and with that comes our annual fundraiser through selling popcorn. I am again going to be serving as our Popcorn Kernel and I've got some key updates for you. Before we dive in, I want to emphasize that selling popcorn is our ONLY fundraiser and without the proceeds, events would cost more and/or dues would have to go up. This year, we are asking each Scout to commit to selling $250 worth of popcorn.

Popcorn sales will heavily rely on the Trail's End App and website. Please download the App ASAP and register your scout. I will warn you that it's not the most responsive so there will be times during the process that you think it's broken, but just give it a minute. When you register, please do so as a Parent on behalf of a Scout. It will ask for you information and then your Scout's information. Our pack information is Mayflower, Metacomet, Medfield Pack 113 (it will make sense when you get there).

One of the new features of the Trail's End App is that this is where you will sign your Scout's up for Show and Sales. We currently have 72 selling shifts available. Please log in and select the one(s) where your scout would like to participate. The first Show and Sales are this Sunday, September 8th! We will also be accepting credit cards for the first time this year!

This is a small town with two very active Scout Packs so I highly encourage you to get your Scouts out and selling as soon as possible.

We will discuss popcorn in more detail at the Pack Meeting on September, 11th, but we do need to get people signed up for our first selling dates.

Please reach out with any questions.

