2020 Popcorn Sales

From the desk of the Popcorn Kernel: 

In an effort to keep our scouts, families, and community as safe as possible this year, we have made the decision to skip the Show and Sales that have traditionally been the foundation of our annual fundraising.  We are still asking that scouts participate in fundraising through the Trail’s End App and personal online store. 

Trail’s End has made it easier than ever to sell virtually including offering free shipping on order of $30 or more (for a limited time).  Here is a link to a file that Trail’s End sent out that gives you links to various resources and graphics that your scouts can use to drive sales.

Like last year, I am asking that each scout make a commitment to sell at least $300 worth of popcorn.

The reward system has changed again this year so I’d ask that each of you familiarize yourself with it here.  As I read it, if we sell online, Scouts will receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card once they sell $200 worth of popcorn. 

The first step for each of you is to log in at Trail’s End to ensure that your scout(s) is registered and associated with Pack 113.  If you have any trouble, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.

We do not have delivery deadlines this year because all popcorn will be fulfilled directly by Trail’s End.  However, I would like to set an arbitrary deadline of Friday, November 6th. If you have any questions or need any support, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.