Popcorn Sales Kick Off 2019

The Scouting year is upon us and with that comes our annual fundraiser through selling popcorn. I am again going to be serving as our Popcorn Kernel and I've got some key updates for you. Before we dive in, I want to emphasize that selling popcorn is our ONLY fundraiser and without the proceeds, events would cost more and/or dues would have to go up. This year, we are asking each Scout to commit to selling $250 worth of popcorn.

Popcorn sales will heavily rely on the Trail's End App and website. Please download the App ASAP and register your scout. I will warn you that it's not the most responsive so there will be times during the process that you think it's broken, but just give it a minute. When you register, please do so as a Parent on behalf of a Scout. It will ask for you information and then your Scout's information. Our pack information is Mayflower, Metacomet, Medfield Pack 113 (it will make sense when you get there).

One of the new features of the Trail's End App is that this is where you will sign your Scout's up for Show and Sales. We currently have 72 selling shifts available. Please log in and select the one(s) where your scout would like to participate. The first Show and Sales are this Sunday, September 8th! We will also be accepting credit cards for the first time this year!

This is a small town with two very active Scout Packs so I highly encourage you to get your Scouts out and selling as soon as possible.

We will discuss popcorn in more detail at the Pack Meeting on September, 11th, but we do need to get people signed up for our first selling dates.

Please reach out with any questions.

