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CrossOver Ceremony and Blue & Gold Celebration

Crossover Ceremony and Blue & Gold Celebration - March 5th, 2022

Pack 113 Cub Scouts and their families got together to award the Arrow of Light to the Webelos. The Arrow of Light is Cub Scouts highest award and is the only Cub Scout Award that can still be worn once a scout enters Scouts BSA.

The Senior Patrol of Troop 89 was on hand to welcome the Webelos who "cross over" to Scouts BSA. They welcomed the Scouts to their Troop by giving them the Boy Scout epaulets, a troop 89 patch, and an official Troop 89 class B T-shirt and Hat.

After the crossover ceremony, the Pack celebrated the 112th anniversary of the founding of Scouts BSA at the the Blue & Gold banquet. Cake and refreshments were served and entertainment was provided by "Solar Shelly" of Mad Science. The Scouts had a blast and learned about the laws of motion.

We were then joined by Atomic Allen who put on a fantastic Science, not magic!, show for the scouts.