Pack 113 November Pack Meeting

Pack 113 recently held it’s fall pack meeting at Rocky Woods. They opened with a flag ceremony and got down to some Scout business.

Bobcat Ceremony:

The Bobcat Badge must be earned before advancing any rank of Cub Scouts. The intent is have a prospective scout demonstrate their understanding of Scouting’s core values. To earn this badge, the prospective Scout must be able to recite the Scout Oath, Scout Law and demonstrate the Cub Scout sign, handshake, salute and motto. All of the current Pack 113 Tiger scouts earned this as their very first badge! 

Belt Loops & Announcements:

Rocket day is Saturday 11/10.

Snore-n-roar is Saturday 11/10 night. If you have RSVPd yes but have not paid your fee yet, please do so. Our Scout Leaders front the money for theses events and are reimbursed when the fees have been paid. 

Belt Loops. Cub scouts earn adventures that are specific to their rank. Competion of these adventures is how a scout earns their rank but it’s also how the 'aims of character, citizenship, leadership, and personal fitness are developed’. When an adventure is earned the leaders handed out a belt loops. Belt loops are either handed out at Den meetings or Pack meetings. If your Scout has earned an adventure be sure to contact your Den leader and show them your book. The adventures are outlined in your scout’s book but here’s a link to the adventures by rank.

Cub Scout Slide Hand In. There has been recall from the Boy Scouts of American of scout slides. Duncan has been collecting these slides from scouts and will replace them with the newer issued slides. 

Popcorn Sales Celebration. A special shout out to Mason A, who sold the most popcorn in the Pack. Well done! He got to throw the first pie at his den leader. Followed by each top seller in each den and then any scout that sold over $1000. Quite a few pies were thrown! We have some really good sports for Pack leaders! 

Get ready to start designing your Pinewood Derby cars! Pinewood Derby Kits were handed out. Please contact your Den leader if you didn’t receive one. We will be sending out more information on this as the event gets closer. 

Pack game:

The Scouts participated by den in a game called The Human Knot, which is a game that requires flexibility, teamwork and problem solving skills. The Scouts stood in a circle holding hands with two different people and then had to untie their human knot with out letting go of hands.  

The Scouts wrapped up the meeting with a campfire and songs. Mark your calendars -the next Pack meeting is 2/13.