Pack 113 Moose Hill Overnight

Many of the Pack 113 Scouts ventured to Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary in Sharon, MA for the first overnight of the season.

The Scouts were allowed to explore the sanctuary after dusk and were led on a night hike (no flashlights!) by one of Moose Hill’s enthusiastic naturalists. The Scouts learned to call for owls and compared their eyes to that of a nocturnal animal. After the hike, they relaxed indoors around a fire and were treated to Mr. Warner’s home-made apple crisp. They also made a camp out favorite - s’mores! The Moose Hill Sanctuary is a unique experience for our Scouts as there is a choice between camping out or sleeping inside the building.

Sunday morning the Scouts had a quick breakfast and broke into their Dens to work on badge requirements.

  • Sean Murphy led our Tiger Scouts to complete the Backyard Jungle requirement.

  • Duncan Warner led our Wolf Scouts to complete the Paws on the Path requirement.

  • The Moose Hill Naturalist led our Bear Scouts to complete the Fur, Feathers, and Ferns requirement.

  • Matt Hogardt led our Webelos on an elective called Into the Woods.

  • Our Lions Scouts were encouraged to join the Tiger or Wolf Scouts.

If you weren’t able to join the Pack on this trip, remember that the requirements can be done at home or in your own backyard with your family. All the details are in your book. Contact your Den leader with questions.

Pack members, be sure to log in and check out our pack activities page for more information on our upcoming events.