Pack Meeting - 2019/2020 Kickoff

Wednesday night, Pack 113 met to kick off the new scout year. It was fun to see the scouts welcoming new and old friends to the Pack. Thank you to all the parents for attending with your scouts. Also, a big thank you to the scouts from Troop 89 for joining us and presenting to the Webelos.

Things to know:

Dues: Pack dues are $80 per scout and should be submitted to no later than October 1, 2019. Please make checks payable to Medfield Pack 113 and deliver to Kristin S. If you have a financial hardship or challenge in paying these dues, please reach out to Kristin to make arrangements for your family.

FUNdraising: Popcorn sales have started. This the Pack’s main fundraiser and it’s important that each scout sell at least $250 worth of popcorn. There are three ways to sell: in person, store front sales and online. The Trails End app has made it easier than ever to take orders and sign up for store front shifts. They have some training videos on how to sell. Key dates: October 18th in-person order deadline, November 17th popcorn order pick up. See our upcoming events for more information.

Community service: Serving the community is the cornerstone of Cub Scouts. Pack 113 partners with the Lions Club to collect eye glasses for recycling. Once a month scouts will go around and collect the glasses from the donation sites, count them, bag them and deliver to Steve Small, Chairman, Eyeglass Recycling, Medfield Lions Club. you can sign up via our upcoming events page.

Camp outs: Due to concerns regarding the EEE virus, our first campout of the season has been cancelled. The Scout leaders are planning a hike for Sunday, September 29th instead so stay tuned for details.

Webelos 1 & 2: Our Webelos have been invited by Boy Scout Troop 89 to experience what it’s like to be boy scout by joining them November 2nd for a day of activities. See “Webelos Weekend” on our upcoming events page for details.

Rocket Day: This popular annual event is in November. To participate you must RSVP by October 11th. See our upcoming events page for details and link to RSVP.

Volunteering: Parents, we need your help. The Bears & Lions need den leaders. Every den could use parent participation with leading badge requirements. Please contact your den leader to find out more about volunteering