Wolf Den Meetings (2020/2021)

The Wolf den met on Saturday, September 26th at the Hinkley Playground & Pond. The scouts built catapults and then saw who could launch their objects the highest, farthest, & most accurately.

The Wolf den met on Saturday, October 24th at the Hinkley Playground & Pond. The scouts learned how to properly fold an American Flag, as well as some of the basics of flag ceremony. Additionally, the scouts launched water bottle rockets!

The Wolf den had to make a last minute change of plans to a recent meeting due to the weather. After the initial plan to meet at Hinkley, the scouts met at McCarthy Fields and went sledding!!

The Wolf den met on Saturday, January 23rd at Hinkley Playground & Pond. It was cold & breezy, however the scouts learned about first aid using their neckerchiefs.

The Wolf den met on Sunday, March 7th at Adams Farm in Walpole. The scouts participated in a hike with a scavenger hunt.

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Webelos Den Meetings (2020/2021)

The Webelos 1 den met September 26th. The scouts learned various methods of building fires, and each scout built their own fire and used tinder and kindling to set it. We talked about nutrition and budgeting, and each scout will cook a meal at home to earn their first Webelos pin, the Cast Iron Chef.

The Webelos 1 den met on October 24th. The boys worked on earning their Whittling Chip Badge, learning all about pocket knife safety and an intro into how to whittle with a pocket knife. Afterwards, the scouts had an epic Nerf gun battle!

The Webelos 1 met on April 18th to do some First Responder training.

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Bear Den Meetings (2020/2021)

On Sunday, October 4th, the Bear Den of Pack 113 had a blast learning how to start a fire and roasting s'mores

On Sunday, December 7th, the Bear Den went through the woods and over the field at Adams Farm in Walpole for a hike & photo scavenger hunt.  The scouts had fun appreciating the outdoors while searching for a number of items including a Charlie Brown style Christmas tree, pine cones and special dedication benches.  Leading our hike was a Den Chief from Troop 10.  The Den Chief was great with the scouts and we have officially adopted him into the Bear Den.

On January 24, the Bear scouts and parents gathered on a cold January afternoon to work together on this years' Pinewood Derby cars. Some will be race ready (whenever that may happen) and some will be just for show, but all will have been made in the spirit of getting together, learning to use new tools and having fun.

On February 28th, the Bear scouts got together at Rocky Woods for a hike followed by a fun game of Nuke'm.  On this almost Spring like day, the original plans changed at the last minute but the joy of getting together and enjoying the outdoors was had by all regardless.

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Pack 113 Overnight at the Museum of Science

A big thank you to Jason L for coordinating the cub scout overnight at the Museum of Science. It was good to see so many Pack 113 families enjoying the Museum and some of the special activities. Some of the activities included:


4D Movie

Lightning Show

Animal Show

Mystery Shark

Puzzles, Games

Living science experiment

Special Exhibit: Dogs! A Science Tail

Also, Pack 113 got to camp out with the Dinosaurs. We learned that some of them might snore a little at night but that’s a-ok. :)

Below are some photos of the event. Do you have some you'd like to add? Please email them to Melissa

Winter Pack Meeting Highlights

Recently, Pack 113 gathered for their winter pack meeting. It was great to see so many Scouts in attendance and in their class A uniforms.

Thank you to the parents for their help and donations of recycling so our Scouts could channel their creativity and innovation to create space ships. In the words of Albert Einstein “Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.”

Thank you to the Allen Family for the fantastic photos!

Important things to know:

March 21st is our Blue & Gold Banquet (6pm to 8pm at St Edwards Church).  Blue & Gold Banquets are a tradition within packs, celebrating the accomplishments of our Cub Scouts, leaders and parents who volunteer to make Cub Scouting fantastic.  We will be recognizing our Webelo Scouts, current 5th graders, who are completing their Cub Scout journey. These scouts will be receiving the highest Cub Scout award - "The Arrow of Light".  We will also be saying goodbye to our Pack Master Matt Hogardt and officially welcoming Greg Brown as our new Pack Master. We will provide food and we have Kurt Jackson (who runs the Dale Street MAP and is a veteran storyteller), providing us some entertainment. Please sign up for this event on our website by February 28th. There will be a small cost per person to cover the food, drink, etc.  Further details to come.

 March 28th is the 2020 District Pinewood Derby at X1 in Braintree.  This event is open to all Pack 113 Cub Scouts and not just the rank winners in our Pinewood Derby race.  So, if you would like to work on your car and try it again on the track, save this date!  Specific times to follow later.

In The News: Pack 113 Community Service Project

From the Medfield Patch: "Recycle for Sight" - Medfield Lions Eyeglasses Collections 

Medfield Lions Club host ongoing eyeglasses collection, please drop off your no longer needed glasses as they help others!

On a monthly basis, Cub Scout Pack #113 under the guidance of Scoutmaster Matt Hogardt graciously collects these glasses from the collection boxes as a service to the Medfield Lions Club. Read article here

Sign up to help with our community service program here

Contact Matt Hogardt with questions.

2020 Pine Wood Derby

Pack 113 recently participated in the 2019 Pinewood Derby, which is sometimes referred to as the Super Bowl of Cub Scouts. Each scout has the opportunity to design, build and race their very own race car. There are prizes for speed and for creativity. Duncan Warner, our fearless Committee Chair & Webelos Den Leader, commented that this year was one of the most creative derbies he’d seen.

This time honored scouting tradition is certainly fun. It also provides some opportunity for some great life lessons. The scouts learn wood working, design and time management skills. They have the opportunity to experiment with some of the science principles behind speed. They learn about the importance of being a good winner and loser. They experience the pride of a job well done.

Here are the speed results by Cub Scout group:

Lion: Harry D

Tiger: William S

Wolf: Gio L

Bear: Charlie R

Webelos 1: Max L

Arrow of Light: Jack R

Siblings: Duncan W

Speed isn’t everything. Creativity is important too. We had a lot of creative cars and a boat this year! Most Creative Car was awarded to the following scouts:

Tiger – Graham L

Wolf – Oliver A

Bear – Jason P

Webelos – Drew M

Arrow of Light – Thomas R

Results for the Pack Championship (all the rank winners race against each other) are below.

Here are some photos from Derby Day. Do you have photos from the Derby? We’d love to add them to the gallery.

Thank You From Medfield Food Cupboard

Just wanted to pass along a THANK YOU note we received from the Medfield Food Cupboard for the donations we brought in during the SCOUTING FOR FOOD CAMPAIGN.  As you know, we had a tremendous turn out of donations that the scouts brought with them to Rocket Day last month.  These donations will help those in need in our very own community!  Please see the attached note, and thank you again for your assistance in the program.  We couldn't have done it without all your help!

Matt Hogardt

Cubmaster - Pack 113

Den Leader - Webelos: Arrow of Light

2019 Medfield Holiday Parade

This past Saturday, our pack joined other Medfield community organizations to march in the annual Holiday Parade. The parade is sponsored by Medfield Employers & Merchants Organization (MEMO).

It was a great day for a parade! Thank you to Casey H & Patti A for the photos.

Do you have photos from the parade or other Cub Scout activity? Please send them to Melissa

Den Meeting Snapshot - First Responder & Stronger, Faster, Higher

Our Webelos have been hard at work this fall. Here’s some quick snaps of a couple of their den meetings where they worked on the requirements. Thank you to Matt Hogardt for lending your experience and expertise for the First Responder requirements. Thank you to Duncan Warner and many fo the Webelos parents for helping out with the Stronger, Faster, Higher requirements. The scouts seemed to really enjoy learning to play Cricket and Rugby.

Pack 113 Rocket Day 2019

It was great seeing so many scouts today firing off their rockets at McCarthy Field!  We had a fantastic turnout, and many scouts were able to get multiple launches out of their rockets.  Thanks again to all the parents who “assisted” their scouts in building their rockets.  Also, I’d like to say a special THANK YOU to Duncan Warner for coordinating the purchase of the engines, as well as for manning the engine table.  Rocket Day couldn’t have happened without you!

Second, THANK YOU to all the families of Pack 113 who participated in the Scouting for Food program, and brought all your donations to the field.  Again, I’d like issue a special THANK YOU to Kristin & Ben Simonini, the entire Cotter family, and Matt Johnson Sr. as well as Matt Johnson Jr. from Medfield Troop 10, for helping transport all the food donations from McCarthy Field to the Medfield Food Cupboard after the event.  After all the donations were brought to the basement of the Food Cupboard and stacked neatly on the food intake shelves, we could see that Pack 113’s collection effort was a success.  We were able to completely fill two of the three shelving units that the Cupboard uses for donations!  Finally, if you weren’t able to make it to Rocket Day today, but you still have food donations to turn in, please utilize one of the donation boxes the Food Cupboard has around town.

Last, but not least, if you have any photos from Rocket Day that you’d like to share, please email them to our Webmaster, Melissa Lowry.

 Thanks again everyone, and I’ll see you at the next event!

Matt Hogardt
Cubmaster – Pack 113
Den Leader – Webelos: Arrow of Light

Pack 113 Hike

On Sunday, September 29th Pack 113 headed into the woods for a local hike. It was a beautiful day to be outside. Here’s some photos from the day.

Pack Meeting - 2019/2020 Kickoff

Wednesday night, Pack 113 met to kick off the new scout year. It was fun to see the scouts welcoming new and old friends to the Pack. Thank you to all the parents for attending with your scouts. Also, a big thank you to the scouts from Troop 89 for joining us and presenting to the Webelos.

Things to know:

Dues: Pack dues are $80 per scout and should be submitted to no later than October 1, 2019. Please make checks payable to Medfield Pack 113 and deliver to Kristin S. If you have a financial hardship or challenge in paying these dues, please reach out to Kristin to make arrangements for your family.

FUNdraising: Popcorn sales have started. This the Pack’s main fundraiser and it’s important that each scout sell at least $250 worth of popcorn. There are three ways to sell: in person, store front sales and online. The Trails End app has made it easier than ever to take orders and sign up for store front shifts. They have some training videos on how to sell. Key dates: October 18th in-person order deadline, November 17th popcorn order pick up. See our upcoming events for more information.

Community service: Serving the community is the cornerstone of Cub Scouts. Pack 113 partners with the Lions Club to collect eye glasses for recycling. Once a month scouts will go around and collect the glasses from the donation sites, count them, bag them and deliver to Steve Small, Chairman, Eyeglass Recycling, Medfield Lions Club. you can sign up via our upcoming events page.

Camp outs: Due to concerns regarding the EEE virus, our first campout of the season has been cancelled. The Scout leaders are planning a hike for Sunday, September 29th instead so stay tuned for details.

Webelos 1 & 2: Our Webelos have been invited by Boy Scout Troop 89 to experience what it’s like to be boy scout by joining them November 2nd for a day of activities. See “Webelos Weekend” on our upcoming events page for details.

Rocket Day: This popular annual event is in November. To participate you must RSVP by October 11th. See our upcoming events page for details and link to RSVP.

Volunteering: Parents, we need your help. The Bears & Lions need den leaders. Every den could use parent participation with leading badge requirements. Please contact your den leader to find out more about volunteering

Final Pack Meeting of 2018-2019 Season

Last Wednesday, Pack 113 gathered at Rocky Woods to celebrate the final pack meeting of the season. It was one of our best attended meetings, which is not an easy feat given all of the events at the end of school. The scout attendance and parent participation is greatly appreciated!

The Cubs Scout Den leaders and Activity Chair recapped the year for each den and handed out awards. The scouts enjoyed playing together but readily got to work to try to locate a pack members missing pin in the grass (see pic below) before closing the meeting with some celebratory ice cream.

The entire Cub Scout Committee would like to thank the parents who volunteered their time and skills this year to help at events and lead electives. Each time a parent volunteers, our pack experience is enriched. So thank you!

Here’s a recap of 2018-2019 activities:

Camp outs: Moose Hill, Snore -n-Roar, Rocky Woods, Paw Sox (6/22 - still time to sign up by purchasing your tickets. Details here)

Community Service: Medfield Lions EyeGlass Recycling - we collected 2004 eyeglasses which is a record number of glasses, God Loves Medfield Day

Events: Tree Top Adventures, Pine Wood Derby, Rocket Day, Memorial Day Parade, NE Revolution Game.

Fundraising: Best Popcorn selling year ever!

The Pack 113 Committee is hard at work planning a great 2019-2020 season. Our year will include the following focus areas:

Fundraising: Popcorn sales kick off this summer. Did you know you can sell online at anytime of the year and the funds go to the pack? More to come….

Recruiting: This year we will be actively recruiting new members to Pack 113. Do you know someone who may be interested in joining our Pack? Have them reach out to Duncan or Matt. More to come…

Community Service: We are looking to increase our community service projects by adding a new opportunity. More to come…

Events: We have a lot of things in the works but for a sneak peek- we will kick off the year by camping out at Hale Reservation in September. We looking at adding an event at Worcester’s Ecotarium, which we’ve never done before.

Volunteering: Parents, we need your help. The Wolves need a den leader. Each den could use parent participation with leading badge requirements. Please contact your den leader to find out more about volunteering.

For those of you that weren’t able to make the Pack meeting, we have advancement patches for your Cub Scout.  We will be providing the books and neck scarves as well for their new rank in August/September. Have a safe and fun summer!

Memorial Day Parade 2019

Thank you to the Scouts and their families who marched to represent Pack 113 in the Memorial Day Parade. We had about 20 scouts in attendance!

Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, was established in 1868. It became a National holiday in 1918 to honor the men and women who have died in service to our country. For more information on Memorial Day check out this article in Scholastic News or in the BSA.


Pack 113 Spring Camp Out + Blue & Gold Ceremony

“Roses are red, mud is brown, the woods are better than any night on the town”

- Earl Dibbles Jr

Muddy it was. However, the mud and the forecast of rain couldn’t stop Pack 113 from having a great time camping out at Rocky Woods for the spring campout + Blue and Gold dinner*.

The event opened with a flag ceremony. Then the Den’s broke out into groups to work on skills, play games and work on their skits to preform around the campfire. The Bears and Wolves went on a hike to check out a Beaver dam.

Back by popular demand, Jason L, our Outdoor Activity Chair, organized a Mexican themed dinner, where the scouts cooked in foil pouches over the fire. The scouts really enjoy assembling and seasoning their own packets. A HUGE THANK YOU to all the leaders and parents that helped out last night.  Between supplying extra grills to chopping vegetables, you all made the celebration possible. Thank you to The O’Connor, Lorusso, Munz, Xu, Allan, Simonini and Dowling families for your donations of salads, chips and juice! Finally, a big thank you to the Webelos for using their camping skills to make dessert in Dutch ovens. With this, they earned their Cast Iron Chef requirement.

After Dinner, Duncan, Committee Chair & Wolf/ Bear Den Leader, and Matt, Cub Master & Webelos Den Leader recapped the Pack year and thanked all the helpers. We are fortunate to have so many parents willing to pitch in. Special thank yous to Jason for organizing our events and for helping us with initial finances, Kristin for helping get our finances back on track while creating transparency, Greg and Sean for leading the Lions and Tigers, Robert for leading the fundraising efforts the allowed us to get in the black and Melissa for updating the website. And a BIG thank you to Duncan and Matt because with out their leadership and organization none of this Scouting experience would be possible.

Pack 113 has had quite a year, participating in the Moose Hill camp out, the Snore-n-roar camp out, the Pinewood Derby and Rocket Launch. The Pack had a number of firsts from building towers during the winter pack meeting, to becoming financially solvent, to earning the Journey to Excellence Patch.

What is the Journey to Excellence? Journey to Excellence, often shortened to JTE, is a self-evaluation tool that lets unit leaders see, quantitatively, how well their unit is meeting the goals of Scouting. Think of it as a progress report. You can check in regularly to make sure you’re delivering the best possible program for our Scouts and Venturers. (source: scouting magazine)

After dessert, the Scouts made s'mores, sang some songs and preformed skits around the campfire. In the morning the scouts and their families were greeted by a freshly cooked English breakfast & coffee.

Please remember that Scouts and their families are encouraged to join these events even if they do not sleep over. If you want to camp out in the future and are in need of help locating the right equipment, please contact the leadership team. 

Next Events: Fishing Derby - May 11th, Tree top adventures - June 8th. More details coming soon….

Next Camp Out: Paw Sox camp out June 22nd, Hale Reservation - September 2019. More details to come….

*Please note that the camp out and the Blue & Gold would normally be celebrated separately but this year we do not have any Scouts moving on to Boy Scouts so we combined activities.