2019 Community Service: God Loves Medfield Day

Community service is one of the cornerstones of scouting as it provides scouts with the opportunity to become active members of their community and make a positive impact. Thank you to everyone who came out to clean up the Grist Mill site as part of God Loves Medfield Day. We had a great crew and lots of hands made a big impact on the clean up of this historical site.

For more information on God Loves Medfield Day please visit http://godlovesmedfield.com 

Pinewood Derby 2019

Pack 113 recently participated in the 2019 Pinewood Derby, which is sometimes referred to as the Super Bowl of Cub Scouts. Each scout has the opportunity to design, build and race their very own race car. There are prizes for speed and for creativity. Duncan Warner, our fearless Committee Chair & Bear Den Leader, commented that this year was one of the most creative derbies he’d seen.

This time honored scouting tradition is certainly fun. It also provides some opportunity for some great life lessons. The scouts learn wood working, design and time management skills. They have the opportunity to experiment with some of the science principles behind speed. They learn about the importance of being a good winner and loser. They experience the pride of a job well done.

Here are the speed results by Cub Scout group:

Lion: 1 Nolan G, 2 Evan B, 3 Rowan N, 4 William S

Tiger: 1 Gio L, 2 Michael P, 3 Charles P 4 William M

Wolf: 1 Charlie R, 2 Alexander P, 3 Jason P, 4 James R

Bear: 1 Jack S, 2 Ethan L, 3 Harrison W, 4 Ben S

Webelos: 1 James M, 2 Jack R, 3 Matthew Ht, 4 Ethan G

Results for the Pack Championship (all the rank winners race against each other) coming soon…

Below are some photos from Derby Day. Do you have photos from the Derby? We’d love to add them to the gallery.

Snapshot of a Den Meeting: Bears

Recently, the Bears held a Den meeting. During the meeting the Scouts worked on completing one of the Bear requirements, Baloo the Builder (pg.28). Scout parents, Jason L and Michael L, led this session.

The Scouts completed the following:

1) Learn about tools & safety rules. Practice with at least four tools.

2) Select, plan and define materials for the project in requirement three.

3) Assemble the materials into one useful & fun project using wood. The Scouts each made a small tool box. (Parents, please remember to pay Duncan $4 for the materials purchased)

To be completed at home:

4) Apply a finish to the project. See page 47 in the Bear book for details.

It was a fun night of learning and doing. A big THANK YOU to Jason and Michael for leading the session. Parents, if you have a hobby, skill or passion please reach out to your Den leader to find how you can help lead a requirement session.

Important reminders for all Scouts:

Meeting tips: wear your class A uniform, bring an adult, your Cub Scout Handbook and your ready to learn attitude.

Did you miss a meeting? That’s ok. All requirements can be done at home and signed off on by and adult. Once complete, just bring your book to your Den leader for the final sign off.

2018 Snore -n- Roar Camp Out

Recently some of the Scouts from Pack 113 and their families ventured to The Roger Williams Zoo in Rhode Island for a Snore - N - Roar overnight. The Scouts enjoyed learning about many of the animal residents of the zoo and even had a night tour!

Thank you to Mrs. Allen and Mr. Lowry for the great photos!

Pack 113 November Pack Meeting

Pack 113 recently held it’s fall pack meeting at Rocky Woods. They opened with a flag ceremony and got down to some Scout business.

Bobcat Ceremony:

The Bobcat Badge must be earned before advancing any rank of Cub Scouts. The intent is have a prospective scout demonstrate their understanding of Scouting’s core values. To earn this badge, the prospective Scout must be able to recite the Scout Oath, Scout Law and demonstrate the Cub Scout sign, handshake, salute and motto. All of the current Pack 113 Tiger scouts earned this as their very first badge! 

Belt Loops & Announcements:

Rocket day is Saturday 11/10.

Snore-n-roar is Saturday 11/10 night. If you have RSVPd yes but have not paid your fee yet, please do so. Our Scout Leaders front the money for theses events and are reimbursed when the fees have been paid. 

Belt Loops. Cub scouts earn adventures that are specific to their rank. Competion of these adventures is how a scout earns their rank but it’s also how the 'aims of character, citizenship, leadership, and personal fitness are developed’. When an adventure is earned the leaders handed out a belt loops. Belt loops are either handed out at Den meetings or Pack meetings. If your Scout has earned an adventure be sure to contact your Den leader and show them your book. The adventures are outlined in your scout’s book but here’s a link to the adventures by rank.

Cub Scout Slide Hand In. There has been recall from the Boy Scouts of American of scout slides. Duncan has been collecting these slides from scouts and will replace them with the newer issued slides. 

Popcorn Sales Celebration. A special shout out to Mason A, who sold the most popcorn in the Pack. Well done! He got to throw the first pie at his den leader. Followed by each top seller in each den and then any scout that sold over $1000. Quite a few pies were thrown! We have some really good sports for Pack leaders! 

Get ready to start designing your Pinewood Derby cars! Pinewood Derby Kits were handed out. Please contact your Den leader if you didn’t receive one. We will be sending out more information on this as the event gets closer. 

Pack game:

The Scouts participated by den in a game called The Human Knot, which is a game that requires flexibility, teamwork and problem solving skills. The Scouts stood in a circle holding hands with two different people and then had to untie their human knot with out letting go of hands.  

The Scouts wrapped up the meeting with a campfire and songs. Mark your calendars -the next Pack meeting is 2/13.

Pack 113 Moose Hill Overnight

Many of the Pack 113 Scouts ventured to Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary in Sharon, MA for the first overnight of the season.

The Scouts were allowed to explore the sanctuary after dusk and were led on a night hike (no flashlights!) by one of Moose Hill’s enthusiastic naturalists. The Scouts learned to call for owls and compared their eyes to that of a nocturnal animal. After the hike, they relaxed indoors around a fire and were treated to Mr. Warner’s home-made apple crisp. They also made a camp out favorite - s’mores! The Moose Hill Sanctuary is a unique experience for our Scouts as there is a choice between camping out or sleeping inside the building.

Sunday morning the Scouts had a quick breakfast and broke into their Dens to work on badge requirements.

  • Sean Murphy led our Tiger Scouts to complete the Backyard Jungle requirement.

  • Duncan Warner led our Wolf Scouts to complete the Paws on the Path requirement.

  • The Moose Hill Naturalist led our Bear Scouts to complete the Fur, Feathers, and Ferns requirement.

  • Matt Hogardt led our Webelos on an elective called Into the Woods.

  • Our Lions Scouts were encouraged to join the Tiger or Wolf Scouts.

If you weren’t able to join the Pack on this trip, remember that the requirements can be done at home or in your own backyard with your family. All the details are in your book. Contact your Den leader with questions.

Pack members, be sure to log in and check out our pack activities page for more information on our upcoming events.

Popcorn Sales Kick Off Weekend

This weekend the Scouts kicked off their fundraising efforts with Show & Sells at several local businesses. Each of the nine Scouts that participated this weekend will have part of their shifts sales added to their over all sales totals. It’s a great way for Scouts to supplement their sales and get closer to their goals.

Why do we sell popcorn? A percentage of the funds from these sales will help the pack to off set costs of activities. Plus selling popcorn is far more than just fundraising, it teaches the Scouts important life skills. It teaches the Scouts the importance of contributing to the group, goal setting, persuasion, public speaking, math skills, overcoming rejection and perseverance.

Pack members, please check out the Popcorn Event page for key dates and additional resources.

Pack 113 Kick Off Pack Meeting

Pack 113 recently kicked off the scouting year with it’s first pack meeting. We welcomed in a number of new scouts at all levels with a high five chain (see pics). We passed out class B uniforms, slides/scarves and books. If you did not get yours, please contact your Den Leader. The scouts enjoyed some games in the gym while parents met with the leadership team. It’s going to be a great year for scouting.

Parents- some things to know for this year.

Dues are $75 this year. Checks can be made payable to Medfield Pack 113 and delivered to Kristin Simonini. If you have questions about dues, please reach out to your Den leader.

Popcorn selling kick off. As highlighted at the meeting, there has never been a more important time to help raise funds for the pack. However, selling popcorn does do more than just raise funds, it teaches important life skills like goal setting, math, persuasion, overcoming rejection and perserverance. Rob Segal, our Popcorn Colonel, will be sending out more information on selling and opportunities for show and sells. Show and sells are opportunities for the scouts to sell at a store front. Please contact Rob (Robertsegal@gmail.com) with any questions.

We need volunteers! Do you have a particular skill or hobby? Perhaps you could help a Den Leader lead a requirement session.

For the best scouting experience, our Wolf pack needs a dedicated leader. Please reach out for more information.

This year the Boy Scouts of America are welcoming girls into Cub Scouts. If you know of girls that would like to join our Pack, please get in touch. If you are interested in volunteering, we do need female den leaders.

Our website contains the details of all of our events and gathers our RSVPS. The leadership team made the decision to privacy protect the Pack Event’s page to protect the privacy of our members. If you do not have the password, please contact your Den leader and they will provide it to you.

Prospective scouts and their families are always welcome to join us for any event and we’ve made it easy for them to get in touch with a scout leader, who will then provide the necessary details of the meetings.

Pack 113 June Meeting

The Pack met for the final time at Rocky Woods before summer vacation. They opened with a flag ceremony and recognized scouts who earned awards and were moving on to the next rank. The Scouts also took turns reciting the Scout Law which reminds us that a Scout is: 

Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

The Scouts also played a pack wide game called the Blob and toasted the year with s'mores over our final campfire.

For those of you that weren’t able to make the Pack meeting on the 13th, we have advancement patches for your Cub Scout.  We will be providing the books and neck scarves as well for their new rank in August/September.

Check out our summer event NE Revs vs Philly at Gillette Stadium (see http://www.medfieldpack113.org/events). If you are interested in attending, you must let Duncan know by July 2nd. If you can't make it, we look forward to seeing you in the Fall. The leadership committee wishes everyone a safe and fun summer.

Pack 113 Carnival 2018

The Bears hosted a Carnival for the rest of the Scouts in Pack 113 as part of their Grin and Bear it Requirement. The Grin and Bear it Requirement teaches scouts to cooperate on a project, plan an event, show empathy and appreciation for others (especially those who are younger) and allows them to demonstrate part of the Bear Character Compass: a Scout is loyal, friendly.

The carnival was a great evening of fun and games. Eight of our Bear Scouts set up, led a different game and cleaned up. There were about 25 attendees! Here's some of the games the Bears created:

  • Corn Hole
  • Lego Tower Challenge
  • Bounce Car Obstacle Course
  • Nerf Gun Shooting Range
  • Finger Hockey
  • Ball Toss
  • Sticky Ninja Throw
  • Pokemon

The Bears who participated will earn the Grin and Bear It belt loop a the next pack meeting. 

For more information on the cub scout Grin and Bear It requirement please check out: https://cubscouts.org/library/grin-and-bear-it/


Mayflower Council Pine Wood Derby

April 28th was the 2nd Annual Mayflower Council Derby. The top 3 racers from each rank, by district, were eligible to compete. The event was for the 6 Districts that make up Mayflower Council. (Pack 113 is part of Seven Rivers District and one of the 6 Districts in the Mayflower Council). This was the first year Seven Rivers District Scouts could compete. Pack 113 had 2 Webelos race. Pack 113 took the top spot in the Webelo event and also Council Champion overall, so Medfield Pack 113 had a good day of racing!

Community Service: God Loves Medfield Day

Community service is one of the cornerstones of scouting as it provides scouts with the opportunity to become active members of their community and make a positive impact. Thank you to everyone who came out to clean up the Grist Mill site as part of God Loves Medfield Day. We had a great crew and lots of hands made a big impact on the clean up of this historical site. The scouts even got a tour of the Mill! 

For more information on God Loves Medfield Day please visit http://godlovesmedfield.com 

2018 Blue & Gold Ceremony

We had our Blue & Gold Ceremony last Sunday and 14 of our Webelo 2 Cub Scouts received the Arrow of Light Award and crossed the bridge into Boy Scouts. That’s a big group for our Pack and a real testament to the leadership team that helped them navigate the journey since joining as Tigers. We also said a huge thank you and sad goodbye to many in the Pack leadership team:

Cubmaster, Matthew Johnson

Committee Chair, Mike Kilmer

Den Leader, Ryan Thomas

Den Leader & Pinewood Derby Chief, Eric Grodzicki

Advancement Chair & Popcorn Colonel, Allen Manuel

Treasurer, Nate Razza

The new Pack 113 Leadership Team

The new Pack 113 leadership team is detailed below. We do have two key openings that we really have to get filled in order for the Pack to continue to operate effectively. We are in search of a Tiger Den Leader and a Treasurer. Please reach out if you have questions or would like to learn more.

Cub Master & Bear Den Leader, Matthew Hogardt

Committee Chair & Wolf Den Leader, Duncan Warner

Lion Den Leader, Sean Murphy

Outdoor Activity Chair, Jason Lemieux

Committee Member & Popcorn Colonel, Robert Segal

Committee Member & Website Guru, Melissa Lowry

Scout Night - Boston Celtics (New Year's Eve 2017)

December 31, 2017

Scouts from across Mayflower Council enjoyed a night at the TD Garden watching the Boston Celtics! These scouts were recognized for achieving popcorn sales goals.

The top 15 sellers had the opportunity to participate as "Anthem Buddies" with the Boston Celtics. These Scouts had a fun time watching the players warm up and some even had the chance to shoot a few baskets!